NEW! Gas as Fuel on Gas Carriers

We are pleased to share that our latest information paper, Gas as Fuel on Gas Carriers, Review of Practice - First Edition (2024) is now available for free digital download from the SIGTTO website.

This document aims to help develop the regulatory framework for gas carriers to use LPG and ammonia as fuel. Risk-based language, based on experience in the use of LNG cargo as fuel and the carriage of LPG and ammonia as cargo on gas carriers, is used instead of prescriptive language.

This document suggests extending existing knowledge and experience to new fuels, rather than to have two different safety philosophies on the same ship.

An overview of current practice in the industry is provided to review LPG and ammonia fuel hazards from first principles. This is followed by suggested goals and functional requirements for the use of these emerging fuels, with the guiding aim being to ensure the safety of people, environment and the ship when liquefied gas is used as a fuel.