Update to SIGTTO Members - Change in management

This bulletin to inform you of a personal health update from CEO, Ian Revell, and the resulting changes at SIGTTO. Please find Ian’s personal message to the membership below: 

“It has been a great privilege to lead SIGTTO for the last two years. The holistic aim of ensuring gas shipping tanker and terminal safety is a critical support to the gas shipping industry, in which it has been very rewarding to make a contribution. It has been wonderful to work with so many members and stakeholders to support the emergent progress towards the decarbonisation of the maritime industry. Without the deep expertise contributions of the excellent membership, SIGTTO would not be the strong technical organisation it is today. 

Over the past two years we have; 

  • grown the membership; 
  • increased our technical safety guidance levels to industry;
  • made a significant contribution to gas industry safety thought leadership supporting the redevelopment of the IGC Code at the IMO;
  • improved our financial stability;
  • created new working groups to address developing industry challenges in the safe carriage of future fuel vectors.

Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer in January 2024 and the major surgery I have had so far has not resolved the issue. I have therefore resigned from my role as CEO in order to take a complete break from all activities for the next three to six months. I need to focus on my recovery from cancer and spend more time supporting my family while I consider future opportunities. I would like to sincerely thank all the Members, the Board and the Secretariat for their support and understanding while making this difficult decision.” 

We wish Ian the very best for his treatment and hope for a speedy recovery. We also want to thank him for his contributions to SIGTTO and the liquefied gas industry. 

To ensure the continuity of planned SIGTTO activities in 2024, the Board has appointed Cherian Oommen, SIGTTO Sr. Technical Adviser, to the position of interim General Manager at SIGTTO. The Board has also created an executive search and selection committee to identify a full-time replacement to lead the SIGTTO organisation. Updates will be provided to the membership in due course.  

The planned work of SIGTTO and industry engagements remains unchanged.  

Please do not hesitate to reach out to SIGTTO with any questions in relation to these changes to manager@sigtto.org.